25/04/2010 - Lazy Sunday

Average temp. 9ºC

A beautiful grey, vaguely rainy Sunday (and an irritatingly chirpy Clark!) greeted me as I peeked through the curtains in my bunk at 7.45 this morning.  I had decided that today was laundry day. My supply of clean socks had run out, people were gagging as I walked past them on the breezeways and I am sure my Carharts growled at me when I put them on yesterday.  After 2 weeks hard at work with no clean clothes, it was definitely time, and in order to make the most of the day I had agreed that I would go first thing in the morning to get it out of the way!

The 10 minute walk through the near deserted Lunenburg woke me up, and sitting watching my laundry go round and round was akin to watching the average brit soap opera, so I felt quite at home and my hangover reduced with every rotation!

The afternoon was spent relaxing, writing entries for the blog you are now reading, finally setting up my bunk (see below) and watching Hot Fuzz,.. possibly the most perfect Sunday hangover film ever.  I was however informed that I definitely look like Simon Pegg,.. great actor he is, stunningly good looking he is not,… is this a compliment?.. not entirely sure!  You can make your own mind up!


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